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They didn’t stay together but they each stayed in Brooklyn!

Even celebrities move on from their relationships but two famous writers work at keeping their lives in Park Slope and Boerum Hill, no matter what the cost.



Brooklyn is the new… Brooklyn!


Real Estate in this Borough is booming and stable. A smart investment and great place to live.

The Mayor Looks at Real Estate

The first year grades are in, how did Bill do in the real estate part of the test?

Help Wanted: Full time paralegal

Dickler & Roth, LLP is seeking to hire a full time paralegal. Real Estate experience is highly preferred. Position requires strong organizational and telephone skills and involves taking files from contract to closing with constant contact with clients, lenders and law firms. Salary commensurate with experience. Please fax resume & cover letter to: (212) 962-3222.

Coop vs condo, that is the question

Coop vs condo

Buying an apartment in New York City? If so, you’ll have a choice between buying into a co-op and buying into a condominium. These two forms of ownership appear similar–and in many ways they ARE similar—but there are important differences between them that can affect the price of the unit, the process . . . → Read More: Coop vs condo, that is the question